Election Procedure
9.11. Executive Committee Election 9.11.1. The Directors elect The Committee. As Internationalized, non-partisan members, those serving on The Committee are allowed to vote in the elections for The Committee and in all other elections. This election takes place every four years on the occasion of an Annual General Meeting.
9.11.2. These elections are decided by a majority vote with at least two-thirds of the members of The Directors and the Internationalized members having to be present. When this quorum is not achieved, another meeting of The Directors is convened 24-hours after the first one and the election then takes place, without regard to the number present.
9.11.3. One election is held for the office of President and another election is held for the other members of The Committee. At the first meeting of the Executive Committee following the election, the President and the members of The Committee will elect the Vice President, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer from the members of The Committee and appoint the Secretary General who can be any journalist member in good-standing of FIJET who meets all requirements for productivity as specified for Journalists Members under Articles 4 and 5 and as stated under section 9.04 of the FIJET bylaws.
9.11.4. The specific procedures to be followed for elections are contained in the document titled, "Election Procedures," which can be amended by a majority decision of The Committee and The Directors.
9.11.5. Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, expulsion, removal, replacement by The Committee or otherwise of any officer shall be filled by The Committee for the un-expired portion of the term, except that the Vice President shall automatically become acting President until an election is held by The Directors for the office of President with all other members of The Committee remaining to serve their elected term. Such election shall be held as soon as possible, but no later than the next regular meeting of The Directors. In this event, another member of The Committee will be elected by The Committee to become Vice President. Any person appointed by The Committee to fill a vacancy on The Committee, other than for the office of President, shall receive the title of "acting" until the appointment(s) is ratified by The Directors at their next meeting. The appointee shall have the same qualifications as are required to hold the office in question.
9.11.6. The person(s) selected as replacement(s) must be a Journalist member of FIJET in good standing and meet all requirements for productivity as specified for Journalists Members under Articles 4 and 5 and as stated under section 9.04 of these bylaws. The mandate of the newly elected or appointed member or members expires at the same time as that of the member being replaced.
9.12. Executive Committee Members
9.12.1. President – The President presides over, and sets the agenda for the Annual General Meeting and meetings of The Directors and The Committee and officially represents FIJET before official or private organizations and third parties. He may, however, delegate his powers to a member or members of The Committee and may appoint non-voting Presidential Advisers. The President's vote is decisive in the event of tied voting by The Committee or The Directors.
9.12.2. Vice President - The Vice President will automatically replace the President at all meetings and official gatherings and ceremonies in the event of the absence, illness or resignation of the President unless another person is specifically named as a replacement by the President.
9.12.3. Secretary General – The Secretary General: shall provide administrative and other support and assistance as needed, required, and requested by members of the Executive Committee; sets the time and place for the Annual General Assembly/Congress and meetings of The Committee and The Directors under the direction, and with the approval, of the President or his designated representative; provides an annual report to the FIJET membership at the annual General Membership Meeting; and verifies the mandates of The Directors.
9.12.4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall submit a financial report each year to The Committee, The Directors, and to the Annual General Meeting for acceptance. The Treasurer must also provide in a timely fashion, if requested by any member, a full and detailed accounting of all money spent on behalf of FIJET. This accounting will include itemized lists of all money spent and all income along with verified receipts for all income and expenses.
9.12.5. Deputy Treasurer – The Deputy Treasurer shall assist the Treasurer in his/her duties and assume the duties of the Treasurer in the event of the resignation, expulsion or unavailability of the Treasurer.
9.12.6. Additional specific duties and responsibilities of the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer are contained in the accompanying document titled, "Duties and Responsibilities of the FIJET Executive Committee" which can be amended by a majority decision of The Committee or The Directors.