(Adopted by the General Assembly at the 2006 FIJET World Congress in Karlovy Vary and amended at the 2008 FIJET World Congress in Slovenia, the 52nd FIJET World Congress in Turkey in 2012, the 56 World Congress in Hungary in 2014 and in 58th Fijet congress in Moscow.
These bylaws of FIJET are based upon principles designed to:
Contribute to the maintenance of peace and security throughout the world by strengthening co-operation between nations through culture, education and tourism
Promote dialogue between and among civilizations and cultures
Promote the free exchange of ideas through International Tourism
Provide an environment where international media and tourism professionals engaged in journalistic travel, hospitality, and tourism industries can gather to exchange ideas and resources and promote International understanding and cooperation as well as the knowledge and skills.
In these bylaws “The Committee” refers to The FIJET Executive Committee (Article 9), “The Directors” refers to the FIJET Board of Directors (Article 8), "Members" refers to active Journalist Members and new media writers, bloggers (Article 4), and "Affiliates" refers to Affiliate Members (Article 4).
FIJET recognizes three languages: English, French and Spanish. The official working language for all meetings and documents shall be English.
The following documents shall be recognized as official documents, part of Fijet Rules and Procedures:
- Elections procedure
- Productivity requirements
- Golden Apple Procedyre
Article 1. TITLE
1.01. Among the National Associations of Journalists and Travel Writers there is formed an International Association having the French name: “Fédération Internationale des Journalistes et Ecrivains du Tourisme.” The title in English shall be “World Federation of Journalists and Travel Writers” The title in Spanish shall be: “Federación Mundial de Periodistas y Escritores de Turismo.”
1.02. The universal acronym in every language shall be FIJET (pronounced: FEE-jet).
2.01. The principal and permanent objectives of FIJET are:
2.01.1. To study conditions necessary for the development of tourism and for the right to enjoy leisure activities in all countries,
2.01.2. To contribute to the distribution of freely available, objective, complete, and original information of the highest quality on tourism matters while complying with Fijet ethic code.
2.01.3. To provide a link between tourism authorities and the general public,
2.01.4. To enable members of National Associations to carry out their functions through implementation of information journeys known as press trips or familiarization (FAM trips),
2.01.5. To set up documentation centers to support activities of the Federation and the National Associations,
2.01.6. To enhance the stature of journalists and tourism writers in the eyes of Governments, the public and of organizations involved with tourism,
2.01.7. To encourage the specialization of young journalists in tourism and the creation of an International Fijet Center for tourism,
2.01.8. To foster the foundation of National Associations of Journalists and Tourism Writers in all countries,
2.01.9. To organize International Conferences.
2.01.10. To publish professional printed and online publications dedicated to tourism and tourism.
3.01. The location of FIJET headquarters shall be determined by, and may be changed by vote of The Directors.
4.01. Individuals and National Associations whose structure, composition, objectives and activities meet the requirements specified in this Article (4) and Article 5, and who subscribe to the principles stated in the Foreword and the Objectives of FIJET (Article 2) may become members of FIJET but only one association will be allowed for each country.
4.02. The total number of Affiliate Members, Honorary Members, Lifetime Members, and other associate members cannot exceed, and must be less than, the number of Journalist Members, no more than 20%
4.03. At its discretion, and with the approval of The Directors, The Committee may create new categories of membership.
4.04. The Categories of Fijet membership are, as follows:
National Associations
Individual Members
Affiliate Members
Honorary Members
Lifetime Members
4.05. The following categories of membership, whether as part of a National Association or as Individual Members, shall be recognized: Journalist Members, Affiliate Members, Honorary Members and Lifetime Members.
4.06. National Associations
4.06.1. An organization composed of at least 10 journalist members meeting the requirements of this Article (4) and Article 5 can be accepted as a National Association. The Constitution of a National Association must be based upon and reflect the elements of these bylaws and conform to all national and international laws governing associations.
4.06.2. National Associations agree to support FIJET in the achievement of its objectives and to participate in enterprises decided upon by The Directors and The Committee.
4.06.3. Only one association from any country may join the Federation as National Association. Other Associations from the same country may join Fijet as Affiliated Members. Only Natioonal Association is member of Board and has the right to vote. Membership of Any Association is subject to approval by the Committee and the Directors.
4.06.4.In all case, each country will adhere to the rule of „one country, one vote“ and have a single vote on the Board of Directors and on the Committee regardless of the number of associations in that country.
4.06.5. If, a member in good standing wishes to move to another association in another country, the member must present sufficiant reason for the change and obtain permission from the Committee, confirmed by The Directors.
4.06.6. National Associations will bear the name of FIJET followed by the name of the country, countries which the National Association belongs in addition to any other name by which the Association is known. (i.e. FIJET-France, FIJET-Bulgaria , etc.)
4.06.7. If a National Association exists within a country, a potential member must join the National Association in order to become a member of Fijet and can not join as an individual member.
4.07. Journalist Members (Journalists and Tourism Writers)
4.07.1. Journalists and Tourism Writer Members, whether individual or as members of National Associations, shall be persons who perform activities in the field of information and/or criticism in relation to tourism and complying with Fijet?sproductivity regulations under Articles 4 and 5 these bylaws.
4.07.2. The category of Journalist Members shall include: journalists, writers and travel editors of newspapers, magazines, radio or television stations; photographers specializing in travel and tourism; and publishers of printed or qualified electronic media dedicated to or containing editorial content concerning travel and tourism issues
4.07.3. All Journalist members must have published a significant output of travel-related material prior to and during the term of their membership. The amount and type of material acceptable for membership will be determined by The Committee or a sub-committee designated by The Committee as being responsible for membership criteria.
4.07.4. Reportage, writings, photography, editing, and publishing activities must be indicated by proof of productivity of original material in, but not limited to, a printed form of expression (newspapers, magazines, publications, books), an oral form of expression (radio, lectures), filmed expression (television, cinema, photography) or cyberspace media.
4.08. Individual Journalist Members
4.08.1. The Federation may accept Individual Membership of journalists and tourism writers in countries where there is no National Association affiliated with FIJET.
4.08.2. In order to qualify in the category, the individual must adhere to the criteria specified in Articles 4 and 5 of these bylaws.
4.08.3. Individual Journalist members are expected to undertake action to form a National Association in their countries. When there are at least 10 Individual Journalist Members in a country, they are expected to organize a National Association and appoint a representative to the Board of Directors.
4.08.4 Individual members representative in less than 10 memmbers is selected by themselves without a single vote on the Board of Directors
4.08.5.Individual members may participate in Annual General Assembly and other official Fijet gatherings but without a single vote, via their representative, in all matters.
4.09. Affiliate Members
4.09.1. Included in this category of membership are other journalism associations, public relations professionals managing and servicing travel-related accounts for payment on behalf of an air or sea carrier, a ground operator, national, state, or regional tourist office, hotel, resort, or other recognized travel industry organization; educators and educational associations and universities specializing in travel related subjects; and tourism ministers, tourism ministries, or tourism departments of countries,( cities, states, or regions).
4.09.2. Affiliate members can be registered as a company or organization. If the membership is under the name of an organization or company, that organization or company must name a single person as the representative. Additional representatives can be named for an organization or company but additional membership fees will be assessed for each named person.
4.09.3. Affiliate members shall have no voting rights in the running of FIJET and cannot run for office on The Committee.
4.09.4. Within this category of membership, all members are individual and are not allowed to form associations.
4.09.5. Affiliate Members are subject to the rules and guidelines set forth in the document titled, “Rules Governing Associate Members of FIJET.”
4.10. Honorary Members
4.10.1. Membership in this category shall be restricted to persons who, by a majority vote of The Committee and The Directors and ratification by the Annual General Meeting, have made a significant contribution to the travel industry and specifically supported the role of travel writers and the goals and objectives of FIJET.
4.10.2. After serving at least two full terms, a retiring President will automatically be nominated as Honorary President for Life.
4.10.3. Honorary members will have no voting rights or right to run to office and cannot participate in an official capacity at FIJET meetings, General Membership Meetings or other gatherings unless specifically invited by The Committee or by The Directors.
4.11. Life Members
4.11.1. This category of membership shall be conferred upon a member, by a majority vote of The Committee and The Directors and ratification by the Annual General Meeting, who has contributed significantly to the activities and goals of FIJET over a considerable period of time.
4.11.2. Life Members are exempted from paying annual membership fees, but are required, unless exempted by The Committee, to pay any fees required for attendance at FIJET meetings, General Membership Meetings or other gatherings. They cannot run for office on The Committee, but have all other rights and status of the membership category in which they are listed.
4.11.3. Rights and duties of Life Members had to be defined.
5.01.All journalist members must have published a significant output of travel-related material prior to be a member and during the term of membership.
The Presidents of National Associations are responsible for the Productivity of Members of their association with accordance to the Productivity Requirements“.
5.02. National associations may have own Ethics Committee.
6.01. Membership in the Federation is lost by resignation or by expulsion.
6.02. Resignation. A member association of FIJET may resign its membership in the Federation by advising The Committee via the office of the Secretary General in writing. An individual may resign his or her membership by notifying the Association to which they belong or by notifying The Committee. In all cases, resignation will take effect immediately following the notice.
6.03. Expulsion. Following a review by the Ethics Committee and submission of a written recommendation to the Directors. The Directors may suspend immediately any Individual Member or National Association who:
6.03.1. Has acted contrary to these bylaws or has deliberately violated its provisions,
6.03.2. Remains than two year in arrears of dues. After 2 years the membership is canceled automaticaly.
6.03.3. Is guilty of acts prejudicial, harmful or destructive to FIJET,
6.03.4. Does not fulfill the productivity and membership conditions and requirements stated in the bylaws.
6.04. The suspension will become a permanent expulsion if agreed to by majority vote of The Directors at an officially convened Board of Directors meeting.
6.05. Members or Associations suspended by The Committee will have the right to present their case in a hearing before the sub-committee which recommended the suspension (Ethics Committee or Membership Committee). The sub-committee will recommend action to The Committee and The Directors prior to the expulsion becoming permanent.
6.06. All rights of the Association or Individual member shall cease upon termination of membership or upon suspension or expulsion. Any member upon termination, expulsion, or resignation shall return all FIJET documents, stationary, materials, and property in any and all forms including membership identification, databases, email addresses and other forms of electronic material to the Secretary General of FIJET or to his or her designated representative. Upon termination of membership, the Association or Individual member shall immediately cease the use of any business cards, stationery or any other document which represents the Association or the Individual to be a member or representative of FIJET.
6.07. Individual or Association Members who resign or were expelled are obliged to meet their obligation with respect to the Federation and in particular to settle their dues arrears.
7.01. The official working language of the Annual General Meeting shall be English.
7.02. Registration and attendance at the Annual General Meeting/Congress shall be restricted to National Associations, Individual Members, Affiliate members, Life members and Honorary members whose annual dues (if applicable) have been paid prior to the convening of the Annual General Meeting of the current year under the deadline of January 31, as set forth in Article 10 .
7.03. Members of National Associations, and Affiliate Members, via their selected representative, shall have the right to discuss and advise on all matters that come before the General Assembly.
7.04. Procedures
7.04.1. The President presides over the Annual General Meeting. When the President cannot be present, the Vice President or a member of The Committee or The Directors appointed by the President or his representative presides.
7.04.2. The agenda of the Annual General Meeting is prepared by the President. It must include updates on the following items:
Financial Report
Acceptance of new National Associations,
Expulsion of members or National Associations,
Budget for the next Year
Activity report, action plan, resolutions and recommendations
7.04.3. A National Association may request the inclusion of items on the Agenda by sending the item(s) at least 30 days prior to the meeting to the Secretary General.
7.04.4. The Annual General Meeting is divided into two sessions: a working session and a free forum for all participants. The debates are free and open to all. The Committee may authorize all members participating in the Annual General Assembly to vote on general tourism matters.
7.04.5. The Secretary General shall inform the General Assembly of all decisions made by the Committee and the Board of Directors.
7.04.6. The Annual General Meeting convenes once during the calendar year, January 1 to December 31. Under extraordinary circumstances or force majeur, the President, with the approval of Directors, can suspend, postpone, or cancel the Annual General Meeting. The Board of Directors has the right to convene more than one Annual General Meeting/Congress in a single calendar year. All meetings must include the Agenda sent in advance to all national associations.
7.04.7. In emergencies, an Extraordinary General Meeting can be convened by either the President in coordination with the other members of The Committee, or by The Directors or, when requested in writing by a majority of the affiliated Associations. The reasons for the meeting must be presented in writing and include an agenda. The notice must be provided to the general membership in sufficient time for them to arrange to attend the meeting, but must be at least one month in advance.
8.01. The composition of the Board has to be determined. Every national association should determined its representative.
8.02. The function of The Directors shall be to decide on proposals relating to the activity, administration, and management of the Federation based on the recommendations of the Executive Committee and to address issues and concerns affecting the membership as directed by The Committee. The official working language for all meetings shall be English.
8.03. The Directors study proposals or items submitted by National Associations, and Affiliate members pertaining to the life, activities and successful operation of FIJET.
They also ensure that The Committee applies the decisions and observes the recommendations of the membership as relayed by their representatives on the Board of Directors.
8.04. The Directors meets at least once a year, or as necessary, seperately from the session of the Executive Committee and on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting. Meetings are called by President and Executive Committee, and notice having been given at least 30 days in advance by Secretary General and Presided by the President of Fijet or his representative.
Meetings shall be held in person, by Fijet site, by teleconference, by special voting sites or by electronic mail, instant messaging, or other electronic ways as designated and agreed to by The Directors. The Directors meeting can take place during the Annual General Assembly.
8.05. The Directors consists of the designated representatives of the regularly constituted and fully paid-up National Associations and Affiliate Members participating in the life and activities of FIJET. Any designated delegate must conform to the productivity requirements under Article 5 of these bylaws.
8.06. Each Association must appoint a representative and a deputy in writing to the Secretary General of FIJET who will represent that Association at a meeting of The Directors.
8.07. The deputy automatically replaces the National delegate when the latter is appointed to or elected to an internationalized post on The Committee.
8.08. Procedures
8.08.1. The President presides over meetings of the Board of Directors. When the President cannot be present, the Vice President or a member of The Committee or The Directors appointed by the President or his representative presides.
8.08.2. The agenda of the Board of Directors Meeting shall be prepared by the President. It should include ratification, amendment, or rejection of the decisions of The Directors in matters relating to:
Acceptance of new members and new National Associations,
Expulsion of members or National Associations,
Athe complete financial year and a clear statement of the current financial situation of FIJET,
A projection of expenses (budget) for the coming year,
Appointment of official auditors of different nationalities,
Activity report, action plan, resolutions and recommendations
8.08.3 The agenda of at least one meeting of the Board of Directors each year shall include A full accounting of the completed financial year and a statement of the current financial situation of FIJET, and Appointment of official auditor.
8.08.4. A National Association may request the inclusion of items on the Agenda by sending them at least 30 days prior to the meeting to the Secretary General.
8.08.5. Decisions of the Board of Directors are taken by a majority of votes of those in attendance. Each country has one vote. The President?s vote is decisive in event of a tie vote.
8.08.6. The Directors shall have the right to appoint Ad Hoc agents or to create sub-committees for the purpose of assisting and serving The Directors. Members of the sub-committees may be members of The Directors or any member of FIJET..
8.08.7. Members of The Directors may be represented at any meeting by Proxy to vote given to one member of the same association.
A copy of the Proxy, shall be delivered to the Secretary General. The person holding the Proxy shall be authorized to cast the vote(s) for the absent member. The Proxy may be given in any written form expressing its intent; a fax, photocopy, or email shall be as valid as a signed original. Proxies may be given for all issues to be decided during that meeting, or limited to any particular issue(s). In all cases, the proxy must be in writing and is limited to one per person. The Proxy of vote is limited to one per person.
8.08.8. In emergencies, an Extraordinary meeting of the Board of Directors can be convened by either the President in coordination with the other members of The Committee, or by The Directors or when requested in writing by a majority of the affiliated Associations. The reasons for the meeting must be presented in writing and include an agenda. The notice must be provided by the President to the members of the Board of Directors in sufficient time for them to arrange to attend the meeting, but must be at least one month in advance.
8.08.9. Members of The Directors shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of FIJET.
9.01. The Committee administers the business of FIJET and shall have full authority to act so long as such action is not inconsistent with the bylaws, where such action is necessary prior to the next regular Board of Directors meeting. It operates as a democratic body and takes care of the daily running of the Federation’s business. Its official working language shall be English.
9.02. The Committee meets at least once a year, or as necessary, separately from the session of The Directors and of the Annual General Meeting. Meetings shall be held in person,or specialized voting site, by teleconference, or by electronic mail, instant messaging, or other electronic means as designated by and agreed to by members of The Committee.
The Committee is composed of a President and 7 (seven) members including 2 (two) Vice Presidents plus and appointed Secretary General and an appointed Treasurer
9.04. Membership on The Committee is limited to one member per country, elected by the Board of Directors. Under special circumstances, such as the death, resignation, expulsion, replacement by The Committee or removal of an elected Committee member, a replacement will be appointed to fill the vacant position in accordance with the provision set forth in sections 9.11.5 and 9.11.6 of these bylaws.
9.05.All elected members of The Executive Committee, must be Journalist members of FIJET in good standing and meet all requirements for productivity as specified for Journalists Members under Articles 4 and 5. Evidences of their productivity shall be submitted to the Ethic Committee.
9.06. All members of The Committee are equal in all issues that come before The Committee. The only exception is the President who presides over meetings and casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie.
9.07. The Committee has the right to appoint Ad Hoc agents or to create sub-committees for the purpose of assisting and serving The Committee. Members of the sub-committees can be members of The Committee or any member of FIJET. Sub-committees shall be named and described in the document titled, „ Fijet Sub-Committees „ which can be amended by a majority decision of The Committee or The Directors.
9.08. Members of the sub-committees can be members of the Committee or any member of Fijet. Sub-committees shall be named and described in the document titled „Sub – Committees of the Fijet, which can be amended by a majority decision of The Committee or The Directors,
9.09. “The President shall have the right to call a special meeting of selected members of The Committee at anytime that he deems it necessary to discuss important issues.
9.10. Executive Committee Election
9.10.1. The Directors elect The Committee. The election takes place every four ( 4 ) years.
9.10.2. These elections are decided by a majority vote with at least two-thirds of the members of The Directors and the Internationalized members having to be present. When this quorum is not achieved, another meeting of The Directors is convened 24-hours after the first one and the election then takes place, without regard to the number present.
9.10.3. One election is held for the office of President and another election is held for the other members of The Committee. At the first meeting of the Executive Committee following the election, the President and the members of The Committee will elect the Vice President, and appoint The Treasurer and the Secretary General.
9.10.4. The specific procedures to be followed for elections are contained in the document titled, "Election Procedures," which can be amended by a majority decision of The Committee and The Directors.
9.10.5. Any vacancy caused by the death, resignation, expulsion, removal, shall be filled by The Board for the un-expired portion of the term, except in case of vacancy of the office of President.
The Vice President shall automatically become acting President until an election is held by The Directors for the office of President with all other members of The Committee remaining to serve their elected term.
Such election shall be held as soon as possible, but no later than the next regular meeting of The Directors. In this event, another member of The Committee will be elected by The Committee to become Vice President. Any person appointed by The Committee to fill a vacancy on The Committee, other than for the office of President, shall receive the title of "acting" until the appointment(s) is ratified by The Directors at their next meeting. The appointee shall have the same qualifications as are required to hold the office in question.
9.10.6. The mandate of the newly elected or appointed member or members expires at the same time as that of the member being replaced.
9.11. Executive Committee Members
9.11.1. President – The President presides over, and sets the agenda for the Annual General Meeting and meetings of The Directors and The Committee and officially represents FIJET before official or private organizations and third parties. He may, however, delegate his powers to a member or members of The Committee and may appoint non-voting Presidential Advisers. The President’s vote is decisive in the event of tied voting by The Committee or The Directors.
9.11.2. Vice President - The Vice President will automatically replace the President at all meetings and official gatherings and ceremonies in the event of the absence, illness or resignation of the President unless another person is specifically named as a replacement by the President. The term is limited for 4 years.
9.11.3. Secretary General – The Secretary General: shall provide administrative and other support and assistance as needed, required, and requested by members of the Executive Committee; sets the time and place for the Annual General Assembly/Congress and meetings of The Committee and The Directors under the direction, and with the approval, of the President or his designated representative; provides an annual report to the FIJET membership at the annual General Membership Meeting; and verifies the mandates of The Directors.
9.11.4. Treasurer – The Treasurer shall submit a financial report each year to The Committee, The Directors, and to the Annual General Meeting for acceptance. The Treasurer must also provide in a timely fashion, if requested by any member, a full and detailed accounting of all money spent on behalf of FIJET. This accounting will include itemized lists of all money spent and all income along with verified receipts for all income and expenses..
9.11.5. Additional specific duties and responsibilities of the President, Vice President, Secretary General, Treasurer and Deputy Treasurer are contained in the accompanying document titled, “Duties and Responsibilities of the FIJET Executive Committee" which can be amended by a majority decision of The Committee or The Directors.
Article 10. FINANCE
10.01. The financial means available to the Federation are Journalist and Affiliate Member dues, revenue from the General Assembly and any other legal resource whose nature and advisability are left to the judgment of The Committee.
10.02. Dues
10.02.1. The Directors shall decide the basis and the amount on which the dues per association, per individual, and per member category are determined as recommended by The Committee and The Directors.
10.02.2. Dues are payable before the 31st of January of each year to the credit of the Federation in a manner determined by the Treasurer. All money shall be deposited in an account and bank designated by The Committee.
10.02.3. Any association or individual member who has not paid the required dues by the 31 of January will not be allowed admittance to the Annual General Meeting/Congress of that year and is not allowed to vote on any issues before the General Assembly or The Directors.
10.02.4. If a National Association fails to pay the required dues for two consecutive years, that association will not longer be considered a member of FIJET and will relinquish all rights and privileges of the organization.
10.03. Budget
10.03.1. The Treasurer submits his financial report each year to The Directors and to the Annual General Meeting for acceptance.
10.03.2. Two auditors from different countries appointed by The Committee monitor the use of funds during the fiscal year and report to the Annual General Meeting. The term of the auditors is limited per two (2 ) years.
10.03.3. Any expenses, other than those necessary simply for the administration of FIJET and the provisions of the annual budget, must be authorized by The Directors.
10.03.4. Except as specifically determined by resolution of the Board of Directors, or as otherwise required by law, checks, drafts, promissory notes, notes for the payment of money, leases, contracts and other evidences of indebtedness by FIJET may be signed by the Treasurer for a sum not to exceed three thousand EUR ($3,000.00). Sums in excess of three thousand EUR ($3,000.00) shall be approved in writing by the President or his representative and confirmed by Committee.
11.01. Within the first year after adoption of these bylaws, The Directors may amend them by majority vote to correct any clerical errors or procedural defects, so long as such amendment does not alter substantive rights of the membership provided by these bylaws.
11.02. Further proposals to modify the bylaws must be prepared by The Committee and finally decided upon by The Directors and adopted by the Annual or extraordinaire General Meeting,
11.03. In the case of the dissolution of FIJET, the assets will be disposed of in accordance with decisions made at the Annual General Meeting or, if the Annual General Meeting cannot be convened, by a majority The Directors having the right to vote.
The Committee, with the approval of The Directors, makes decisions by a majority vote on all matters not covered by the bylaws. Changes to the bylaws are made by the Executive Committee, but are subject to approval by the Board of Directors. The Executive Committee will inform the membership at the next General Assembly of any changes introduced into the bylaws.
(End of text)