ROBERT MATEJOVIC Slovak Journalist Awarded ‘Golden Pen’ for Croatian Tourism Promotion


Interview Tijani Haddad : The old history of travel Writing
Since the very dawn of time, we have always enjoyed telling stories. Recounting what we have either seen or even imagined. From word of mouth, stories were translated onto paintings on walls and then onto pen and paper. It was our way of learning about the world around us. The Mediterranean.Observer got the chance to talk to Tijani Haddad, the vice president of the MTF and former Tunisian Minister of Tourism. Mr. Haddad also happens to be the president of FIJET (Fédération Internationale des Journalistes et Ecrivains du Tourisme – World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers), which is why we wanted to talk to him in order to divulge more about the importance of the travel writing genre and its significance in today’s world.
Questio:Travel writing Has been around for quite a long number od tears, could you elaborate to our readers what exactly entails a piece of writing as travel writing?
Travel writing started as early as the &éth century when the famous travelers started their expeditions to discover new lands and new empires. Marco Polo is one of the famous travelers in history who in the 12th century wrote his famous book in which he described the empire of the most powerful emperor in the history of the world.
In his book, he refers to Russia, Central Asia, Iran, and Afghanistan. He wrote about Japan, Vietnam, and Burma. He introduces Sri Lanka, Southern India, and even Madagascar! Another globe trotter, Christopher Columbus was the one who, seeking a new route to the East Indies (with Cipango, Japan, as the first objective), inaugurated a long period of exploration of Europeans towards the American continent. He is also the one who first would have documented his travels. Nowadays, Travel writing has been better structured and became a business occupation. Thus, travel media proliferated all over the world.
Question: How has travel writing played a vital role throughout history and literature? Does it still play the same role nowadays?
In the early times, travel writing was considered as a kind of a simple and personal written recording

Tijani Haddad: Valeurs universelles à la tête du client
La démocratie, les droits de l’Homme et les libertés individuelles font, de nos jours, couler beaucoup d’encre, alimentent les discours politiques et s’attribuent la majorité des prises de position.
Seulement, certains chantres de ces valeurs universelles, qu’ils soient individus, organisations ou pays, gagneraient à être plus objectifs, plus cohérents avec eux-mêmes et, partant, avec les nobles principes dont ils se font les défenseurs acharnés. Ces valeurs, censées être universelles, cessent de l’être dès lors qu’elles sont confrontées à leurs propres intérêts ou à ceux de leurs alliés. Chez eux, s’agissant des immigrés, des atteintes à ces valeurs sont fréquentes, souvent inhumaines et même, parfois, institutionnalisées, faisant l’objet de lois «démocratiquement» votées.
Dans le cas de la Tunisie, nul ne peut nier les avancées réalisées en matière de liberté d’expression et de droits de l’Homme. Sans pour autant crier victoire ou prétendre avoir atteint la perfection qui n’est, d’ailleurs, atteinte nulle part. Le processus est irréversiblement en marche.
Et les acquis en sont indéniables en matière de liberté d’expression. Même si il y a une quelque tentative d’atteinte à cette liberté, force est de constater que le Peuple Tunisien est majoritairement vacciné contre une éventuelle fermeture.
Qu’a-t-on fait de l’autre côté de la Méditerranée pour préserver la dignité de ces immigrés du Sud, jadis bâtisseurs de l’Europe, et à qui on refuse aujourd’hui presque systématiquement le droit au regroupement familial ? Qu’a-t-on fait pour les sans-papiers pourtant illicitement reconnus et autorisés à travailler au noir ? Rares sont ceux qui prétendent défendre les droits de l’Homme qui ont levé la voix en faveur de ces humains condamnés à une vie inhumaine.
Si les chantres de la démocratie et des droits de l’Homme veulent être crédibles, ils doivent être plus objectifs, plus cohérents avec eux-mêmes, s’en tenir au respect de l’universalité et des principes universels et s’interdire la politique de «deux poids, deux mesures».
Tijani Haddad

A big FIJET delegation in the 6th Mediterranean Tourism Foundation Forum
Around 150 Fijet Members participated in the 6th Forum organized by the Mediterranean Tourism Foundation that took place in Malta on the 15th of February 2019.

Fijet Executive meeting
Fijet Executive comittee meeting will take place place in Northern Cyprus from 17 to 20 of Mars 23019. The agenda of the meeting seems to be very important since it will include some very important decisions related to the mecanism of the Federation.

22 to 27 September 2016: 58th FIJET congress in Moscow:
The 58th FIJET congress will take place in the City of Moscow from 22 to 27 September with a Post Tour to Kazan Fijet President Tijani the final agreement with "INTOURIST", Tour Operator designated by Moscow Tourism Department to organize the congress. In his meeting with Mr. Vladimir Cherenkov head of the Department, Ekaterina and NATO both officers in the Department, President Tijani Haddad expressed his thanks and gratitude to Moscow Government for inviting Fijet congress and for the tremendous efforts consented for its success. The program isRead more >>

Golden Apple Award to the city of Ljubljana, European green capital 2016
On June 24th the City of Ljubljana, European Green Capital 2016, received Golden Apple Award for excellent achievements in the field of tourism and sustainability. The Golden Apple Ceremony took place in the unique National Gallery of Slovenia in Ljubljana. Tijani Haddad, president of World Federation of Travel Journalists and Writers presented Golden Apple to ZoranJanković, Mayor of the City of Ljubljana. Next day autochthon Slovenian apple tree in memory of the presentation of Golden Apple to Ljubljana was planted in the Ljubljana’s Šmartinski park.In opening speech of the CeremonyRead more >>

Ypres received the F.I.J.E.T. Golden Apple AwardThe Golden Apple
By Gilbert Menne
Ypres received the F.I.J.E.T. Golden Apple AwardThe Golden Apple was awarded to the city of Ypres (Belgium)for the city’s exceptional efforts in preserving and enhancing its cultural and historical heritage in function of modern tourism trendsThe official delegation of FIJET visited during five days Ypres and the Westfront of First World War where 600.000 people lost their lives. The city itself was 90% destroyed and entirely reconstructed after the war. The delegation visited the main cemeteries, the Westfront visitor’s centre in Nieuwpoort, the Trench of Death, the Memorial museum Passchendaele and the Flanders Fields Museum. It visited also the important medieval curiosities of Ypres. During the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate, organised every day of the year since 1928 in memory of the death soldiers, President Tijani Haddad lay a wreath in the name of FIJET.

La Fijet au Maroc: Voyage Mémorable
Mémorable séjour de la délégation de la FIJET à Chefchaouen et Tanger
Après un séjour réussi dans la province de Chefchaouen, la délégation de la Fédération Internationale des Journalistes et Ecrivains du Tourisme (FIJET) se sont rendus à Tanger où un accueil chaleureux lui a été réservé par les membres de l’Association marocaine des journalistes et écrivains du tourisme (AMJET), par le CRT, et la direction de l’Institut Supérieur International du Tourisme (ISITT).
C’est dans un cadre agréable que l’ISITT a offert un somptueux déjeuner, le jeudi 12 mai 2016, aux membres de la FIJET venus des quatre coins du monde. Lequel déjeuner a été suivi par une présentation de l’Institut et de la ville.
Cette présentation a été précédée par une intervention du Président de l’AMJET, Mustapha Trai, qui a pris la parole pour souligner l’importance du forum et de la réunion du comité directeur de la FIJET, tenus au Maroc, mettant l’accent sur les objectifs

Fijet Bulgaria: Big Event in favour of EGYPT
Sofia, Plamen
StarevDr Zahi Hawass visited Bulgaria in the period January 25th-28th. He was in Sofia in order to attend a series of events. He gave a press conference in which he emphasized Egypt’s security and called on Bulgarian journalists to write that Egypt is a safe tourist destination.Read more >>

FIJET Golden Apple Award to the city of Moscow
The International Federation for Journalists and travel Writers has choosen the city of Moscow to be awarded with "FIJET Golden Apple".for the year 2015. A prestigious ceremony took place in the prestigious Town Hall in Presence of the Mayor of the city. During an official ceremony at the Moscow City Hall, Tijani Haddad Federation President and former Minister of Tourism presented the trophy to the Mayor Mr. Sergei Sobyanin, in the presence of the Tunisian Ambassador in Russia. In his speech Tijani Haddad mentioned in particular that this distinction is awarded to the city of Moscow which, thanks to its natural and historical assets and good governance of the city, has now become a big tourist destination: for the only months of this year, Moscow registered a growth of 32% compared to the same period of last year. Tijani Haddad added: Apart from its cultural and environmental messages Tourism sector isRead more >>

Tourism in the city of Moscow
Moscow is the most popular tourist destination among Russian cities. This is attested, in particular, by the latest Hotel Price Index report, based on hotel booking data from the websites worldwide for the first half of 2015. 17.3 million Russian and foreign citizens visited Moscow in 2014. An increase in tourist interest for Moscow is also testified by statistics on the number of guests at hotels and similar lodging facilities: in 2010, 4.1 million tourists visited the Russian capital, whilst in 2014 the number reached 5.5 million, i.e. 1.4 million more.
Moscow Hotel Complex
The Department for Multicultural Policy, Interregional Relations and Tourism of Moscow has put together rankings for Russian regions regarding the performance of collective lodging facilities, based on data from the Russian Federal State Statistics Service.Under these rankings, at the end of 2014 Moscow ranked first by the number of guests at collective lodging facilities (CLF), the total number being 5 million 618.8 thousand guests. The Krasnodar Region ranked second with 4 million 419 thousand guests, followed by Saint Petersburg, 2 million 987.8 thousand guests This success has been facilitated by a rich supply from Moscow’s hotel complex, which comprises anything from 5-star hotels to hostels. As evidenced by global ranking data, Russia’s capital is currently home to numerous budget lodging facilities (mini-hotels, hostels, 2-3 star hotels) offering a high level of service, which makes Moscow quite attractive for budget tourists.The year 2014 set a record in terms of gains in hotel supply.Read more >>
FIJET congress: Antalya 2015

The jewels of Serbia
By F. Sema Kutlu Last May FIJET EC and BoDmeetings were held in Serbia. As part of the program we made a short tour of the area. Our first destination was Novi Sad, a city in the north west of Belgrade. It’s only a short drive (70 km) from Belgrade Nicola Tesla International Airport to Novi Sad. There are many hotels, hostels and thermal spas to serve Health Tourism. As soon as you reach Novi Sad, you’ll be overwhelmed by the beauty of the emerald green mountains nobly rising in a comforting silence. It may be a great idea to take a walk in the woods, which will help you feel relaxed and peaceful.The clean air can make you feel hungry after a while, then you can try the restaurants nearby to taste the delicious local food. Believe me, you’ll never forget the taste of meat cooked in kaymak, a kind of diary food,hand baked luscious bakery and good-quality wine. So, the area is also one of the best destinations for eco-tourism and gourmet tourism.FRUSKA GORA During our visit to Novi Sad we had a chance to see Fruska Gora. I believe it’s one of the most important jewels of Serbia. The area is one of Europe’s greatest natural treasures as it is the home of many rare and important plants and various types of animals. This preserved area also has a wonderful lake full of beautiful water lilies and reeds. If you are lucky enough you can take a romantic and peaceful boat ride there. The lake is also very rich in bio-diversity of its marine life. people. Some of these monasteries were renovated during the 18th century. In short, Fruska Gora is a picturesque, memorable area with a fascinating combination of history and geography.

Palic(Serbia):A lake more beautiful than a sea
By PLamen Starev
The third Golden Apple for 2015 was given to Palic marking:170 years of organized tourism in this memorable Serbian town. The tourist life of Palic began in 1845, when the Hungarian Royal Chamber granted the finances to build a bath and an inn. That year the first tubs were installed, and the hot bath was built in early 1852, the mud bath in 1863, and the unisex bath in 1885. The first hotel was erected in 1854, while the main building of the beach complex, today’s Hotel Park, was constructed in 1860. At the turn of the century, the new development of Palic was seen. Some of the most important facilities were built back then, such asXRead more >>

Dubrovnik: a treasure of the world
Since its founding in 1970, the Golden Apple, for the first time in its existence, has been given to the same city twice – Dubrovnik won this award in 1996 as a solidarity act to attract world’s attention to the city which experienced harsh and tragic moments during the war. This year’s accent is on the Dubrovnik Summer Festival which is considered an internationally renowned drama and music stage and as a place that brings together rich heritage and modern spirit that promote Dubrovnik as Croatian and world famous cultural center. The major thanked the Foundation on behalf of all the winners while stating that our city gives its heart to all the visitors, tourists and artists. Tijani Haddad, in his emotional speech, mentioned that today's award belongs to Dubrovnik because it is a city that surpasses the borders of Croatia, it's a city and a touristic destination that is truly a treasure of the world.

Borders wihout wires and walls
By Tina Cubrilo
President of Fijet Croatia
At its very foundation in 1954 in Paris, FIJET said NO to any kind of separation among peoples and countries. The founding fathers raised their voices for freedom of travel, for tolerance and peace. On this platform, FIJET gathered reporters, journalists, writers from across the globe. With the collapsed Berlin Wall and the creation of EU, we thought no more walls or wires in Europe would ever be erected! Unfortunately, we were wrong and history repeats itself: while political conflicts and wars are even worse than we could imagine,Read more >>

Croatia: Marco polo 2015
What is Marco polo Award:
—The Marco Polo Awards presentation is an annual award ceremony founded and hosted by the FIJET Croatia, confirmed by FIJET; —The first Marco Polo Awards Ceremony as held on December, 2010 —Prior to this, Marco Polo Awards was formally presented during the Fijet Congress held in China, in 2009. —In the years since, the awards have gained prominence as the one of main awards in Croatian travel journalism. —The ceremony is always held in December, on the occasion of the establishment of FIJET.
—As part of the program Marco Polo Award Ceremony a round table on the most important theme of “Terrorism and Travel Journalism” has been arranged on December 11, at 10:00 a.m. Moderator was Tina Cubrilo, President of Fijet Croatia and Fijet Executive Committee Member —Keynote Spekers was prof. Dr. Vlatko Cvrtila, Dean of University Vern, Zagreb, Croatia and prof.dr. Sanda Corak, Croatian Institute for Tourism
Fijet congress in Antalya
Fijet congress: Morocco 2014

FIJET contribution to the revival of tourism in Egypt
In the frame of the revival of tourism in Egypt, affected by what happened since February 2011, Hichem Zaazou, Egyptian minister of tourism, invited a delegation of 42 journalists and writers from 23 countries chaired by Tijani Haddad, President of FIJET and advisor to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) to visit the main tourist areas of the country, including Luxor and the various tourism resorts on the shores of the Red Sea.Read more >>

World Tourism Day: message from the President
On 27th of September 1970, the status of the UNWTO was adopted by the General Assembly. Since that date the UNWTO and the tourism authorities all over the world celebrate each year “world tourism day” as an occasion to raise awareness on the important role of tourism in terms of economic development And job creator. Moreover tourism is considered as a vehicle of dialogue among cultures, civilizations and religions. It promotes international understanding, tolerance and Peace. It preserves cultural heritage and contribute to saving environment. The 27th of September is another occasion to enhance international tourism though cooperation among tourism authorities, tourism institutions and tourism associations in the world. I urge all Fijet national associations to take an active part in celebrating the next “world tourism day” in their respective countries.
Fijet President
Tijani Haddad

Fijet Golden Apple to Rovinj (Croatia)
An exceptional ceremony was held on the dock of the marina in the presence of a large number of citizens from all corners of the city. Majorettes and folklore troopes have created an atmosphere worthy of a national holiday.Read more >>


Abdallah Gul, Former President of Turkey received Taleb Refai:Tourism contributes to global Peace
Assabah Daily News : President Abdullah Gül received Secretary General Taleb Rifai of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), and his accompanying delegation at the Çankaya Presidential Palace, Gül declared tourism to be a sector that contributes to global peace, interaction between cultures

Executive and Board of Directors meeting Antalya - Turkey
Introduction Speech of the President At the opening of the meeting the president made an introductory speech in which he presented the state of FIJET. “My thanks go to Mr. Ertan SandıkçıoÄŸlu, the President of ATURJET and his team for the perfect organisation of this meeting in this wonderful hotel…Read more >>

Egypt hosted the 54th FIJET congress from September 28th to October 4th. One hundred and fifty delegates and guests from 22 countries participated in this big annual FIJET event. The newly renovated 5 star hotel "Sofitel al Jazeera" on an Island on the Nile wich is God's gift to Egypt, in the vicinity of the famous Attahrir Square, hosted the delegates during their stay in Cairo.The opening ceremony at the 5 Star "Four Seasons"Read more >>

Georgi Kojuharov, ABUJET member won the prize "Best Shot of the Year" and the Bulgarian Photo contest: BG PRESS PHOTO
FIJET member Georgi Kojuharov from Abujet won the grand prize at the very prestigious competition "Best Shot of the Year" organized by Canon Bulgaria. His photos are from Syria. He recently won the most prestigious Bulgarian photo contest BG PRESS PHOTO

Recovery of tourism sector in Mediterranean destinations
The travel magazine whose founder and CEO is our colleague and former FIJET member Georges Kahy is considered today one of the most important tourism magazines in the world. In one of the last issues, Jean-Marc Maihol mentioned in his editorial the book written by Alexander Adler, one of the largest international

Two FIJET members awarded Croatian 2012 Marco Polo
During a very nice ceremony, two of our colleagues were Awarded 2012 Marco Polo FIJET Croatia for their contribution to the promotion of two tourist destinations hosts our last two conventions. In addition, ten other Croatian journalists were awarded as well this prestigious award. Plamen published through his association all the articles written by himself and 9 of his colleagues in a book titled: Turkey in which they described most of the beautiful sites of Turkey.Read more >>

Established in 1953, AFJET's Grand Prix is awarded yearly to a book or other contribution in French language, covering a domestic or foreign tourist destination. On November 24, 2012 it was awarded to « LE PALAIS ROHAN » published by « Les Musées de la Ville de Strasbourg » and written by its chief curator Etienne Martin with photographs by Marc Walter.Read more >>